Monday - Sunday (10 am - 05 pm)
Passion CarePassion CarePassion Care
433 751 537
8 Chester Cl. HOLT. ACT 2615

Community Nursing Care

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Community Nursing Care

Our team comprises of high skilled Registered Nurses and Endorsed enrolled nurses offering quality care in your home either ongoing care or post hospital discharge short-term care. We help with medication administration and management, colostomy and catheter care, wound management, continence aids assessments and recommendations and in-house training .We also assist in chronic illness management such as Diabetes, Epilepsy management, Palliative care etc. Our incredible team of experienced, qualified caregivers is truly passionate about and committed to providing the highest quality care. We can help and develop a Customized Care Plan for you.

From primary care to complex care to mental health services, Passion Care offers a seamless program of services to the people we serve, their families and others in our communities. We promote inclusion in the community and help people with disabilities find employment, ease their transition from school into community living, invite them to the place of worship, or take a person into your home and care for them as a family member. Passion Care has a dedicated team of Support Workers who offer daily care in assisting with personal hygiene, domestics and household tasks services e.g. cleaning and laundry, drive participants to attend different community activities, for appointments, shopping.

We offer you on-site daily supports which include personal care , while placing you in a house where you can live independently either alone or sharing with someone as we promote friendship on the way. We offer post hospital respite care until you feel much better to manage some tasks alone.

Supported Indipendent Living ( SIL)

Assist-Life Stage


Personal Activities


Behavior Support

Daily Tasks/Shared Living

Development of daily living-Life Skills

Household Tasks

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