Monday - Sunday (10 am - 05 pm)
Passion CarePassion CarePassion Care
433 751 537
8 Chester Cl. HOLT. ACT 2615



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Plan Management provides assistance to NDIS participants by focusing on strengthening a participant’s ability to undertake tasks associated with financial management of their supports. Your level of Support Coordination will be noted in your NDIS Plan.

We want every adult with disabilities to have independence of choices and to be able to feel successful in making their own decisions. We create a Coordinated Service and Support Plan to help you with daily errands.  

This will depend on the plan that the individual chooses to utilize. We will be updating individuals and families on the plans that will be available and ensure they have all the information needed to make an informed decision about the managed care plan that is right for them.

We divide health into three domains: physical, mental, and emotional. We focus on improving the physical and social-emotional well-being of people with intellectual disabilities. We take a holistic approach to restoring, improving, and protecting health.

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